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2024 Fall – Board Game History & Design (SBU)


Fall 2024 Affinity Classes are here!  Check out this IN-PERSON class on Wednesday mornings. Sessions will be held on the campus of Stony Brook University beginning September 18th with 8 sessions running through to November 6th.

The history of board games starts with a few holes in the ground and a handful of rocks. Some of the earliest recordings are from 4,600 years ago. Board games have played a vital role in shaping various cultures around the world. Becoming a common thread that brings people from ancient civilizations to modern societies together. Students will learn about the biggest hits and inspirations for board games from each decade until now. Did you know that Candy Land was invented to distract children who were recovering from polio? Students will work on a final project to create their own board game and present to their classmates. Students will also have scheduled time at the end of each class to play games they bring in to focus on how games bring people together and spark conversation with peers old and new. Join Gabby and discover new games to bring home to your family!