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In Person vs. Online Friendship: 3 Ways to Find Balance

Kaarin Anderson Ryan, PhD 9.6.24

How many times a day do you have online interactions with friends, including social media, texting, even video calls? And how many times a day do you see your friend face-to-face for social interaction? if you are like most people, you have far more social interactions online than in-person. There is nothing wrong with online interactions, really, unless you stop making time for seeing people in-person. Here are some tips for finding balance:

  1. Consider how much time you spend each week in online interactions. If it is hours per day, think about investing some of this time to meet a friend for coffee instead.
  2. Think about people you really enjoy who you have not seen in person for awhile and reach out to one or more of them to see about getting together.
  3. Set a goal for yourself to intentionally see friends in person on a regular basis, which can mean more than once a week or maybe only once a month. Just making it purposeful will help you with the online/in-person balance.

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